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Orchard Avenue 公寓


Second-year students and up

卧室的图标 房间:
浴室图标 卫生间:
厨房里的图标 厨房:
阳台上的图标 阳台上的选项
电视图标 平板电视
沙发上的图标 家具齐全
洗衣图标 免费洗衣
电脑图标 计算机实验室
Vending machine icon 自动售货机
社群图标 社区空间

Orchard Avenue 公寓 contains coed apartments that house 184 sophomores, upperclassmen and transfer students. Orchard Avenue is configured in three-bed and six-bed apartments. Orchard Avenue offers study lounges, a computer lab and free laundry rooms on every floor. A student-staffed front desk is also provided for your security and convenience. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required to live in Orchard Avenue 公寓.

Each apartment includes a furnished living area with a 42 " LCD television, one full bathroom and one sink/vanity area in the three-bed apartments, two full bathrooms and two sink/vanity areas in the six-bed apartments, one or two double rooms and one or two single rooms depending on the apartment, and a full kitchen including a full-size refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave. The rooms are furnished with carpet and moveable furniture including beds, 壁橱, 桌子, 还有桌椅.


Compare housing rates


  • With Meal Plan A: $13,300
  • With Meal Plan B: $12,860

*Meal plans are optional for on campus apartments



  • With Meal Plan A: $16,000
  • With Meal Plan B: $15,560

*Meal plans are optional for on campus apartments


1062 Orchard Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501

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